Setup aliases and shortcuts for git commands

Here is how you setup aliases and shortcuts for git commands. Edit .gitconfig file in your $HOME directory.

  co = checkout
  ci = commit
  st = status
  br = branch
  hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short
  type = cat-file -t
  dump = cat-file -p

Refer to the branch you've checked out when you use git push and/or git pull

  default = current

Here are some more goodies in your aliases list. Thank me later 😎

  # Adds and commits files with a single command
  add-commit = !git add -A && git commit

  # Delete all local branches but master and the current one, only if they are fully merged with master.
  br-delete-useless = "!f(){\git branch | grep -v "master" | grep -v ^* | xargs git branch -d;\}; f"

  # Delete all local branches but master and the current one.
  br-delete-useless-force = "!f(){\git branch | grep -v "master" | grep -v ^* | xargs git branch -D;\}; f"

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